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Stefanie Dullisch M.A.

Kontaktdaten Dullisch

Stefanie Dullisch M. A.



Stefanie Dullisch’s research interests include feminist, gender, and queer studies in particular in relation to American popular culture.

She wrote her MA thesis on LGBTQ identity construction in the TV shows Glee and The L Word and is currently working on her PhD. Her dissertation deals with the subversion of heterocentric narrative structures in contemporary Hollywood films focused on female community.

Stefanie teaches classes on American girlhood, the anti-heroine, and female community in literature and film as well as classes on the representation of HIV/AIDS in American theatre. Her classes primarily focus on contemporary literature, film, and TV as well as 19/20th century literature.


  • - "Little Fires Everywhere": Of Mothers and Daughters in American Literature (Winter 2020/21, Undergrad course, online)
  • - Reading Little Women (Summer 2020, Undergrad course, online)
  • - Queer(ing) Autobiography (Winter 2019/20, Undergrad course/advanced)
  • - "Unlikable" Women? – Constructing the (Female) Antihero(ine) (Winter 2019/20, Undergrad course) - revised
  • - Representations of HIV/AIDS in American Theatre (Summer 2019, Undergrad course/advanced)
  • - Constructing the Girl (Winter 2019/20, Undergrad course)
  • - Introduction to English and American Literary Studies: Overview American Literature (Summer 2018, Undergrad course)
  • - Introduction to English and American Literary Studies: Overview American Literature (Winter 2017/18, Undergrad course)
  • - Female Community in Literature and Film (Summer 2017, Undergrad course)
  • - "Unlikable" Women? – Constructing the (Female) Antihero(ine) (Winter 2016/17, Undergrad course)
  • - Representations of HIV/AIDS in American Theatre (Summer 2016, Undergrad course)
  • - Constructing the Girl: US-American Construction(s) of “Girlhood”  (Winter 2015/16, Undergrad course)



  • "Female Community and (Postfeminist) Motherhood in Bad Moms." Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Sheraton Seattle, Washington, USA, March 2019.
  • “’Are we allowed to do that?’ – Female Community and the Deconstruction of  Postfeminist Motherhood in Bad Moms." DGfA Postgraduate Forum (PGF), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, November 2018.
  • “’I’m going to the fucking PTA meeting with my fucking friends’: Female Community and the Deconstruction of Traditional Motherhood in Bad Moms.” Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media, and Feminism, Bournemouth University, UK, July 2018.
  • “Female Community as Means of Empowerment and Narrative Subversion in Contemporary American Cinema.” Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media, and Feminism, East Carolina University, North Carolina, USA, July 2017.
  • “’I Don’t Want to Be This Girl”: Female Community as Means of Empowerment and Narrative Subversion in Whip It and Life Partners.” Mum's The Word: Voicing the Female Experience in Popular Culture, University of Limerick, Ireland, March 2017.



  • DAAD Conference Travel Grant (July 2018)
  • HHU Advancement of Women Scholarships Program, Travel Grant (July 2017)
  • HeRA Travel Grant for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers (March 2017)



  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA)/German Association for American Studies (GAAS)
  • Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)